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Supportive Yoga for Larger Bodies

Do you have a large, round, or curvy body? Think yoga isn't for you or struggling to make yoga work for you? Want to learn new ways to support your body in your practice? In this class, you will learn to stretch, strengthen, and build endurance with a yoga practice designed to complement your individual shape. Michelle will help you explore all the amazing possibilities for your yoga practice with pacing, posture sequences, and variations on common poses that are specifically adapted for your body. Brand new beginners and more experienced yogis are welcome! While variations are offered for varying levels of fitness, mobility, injury, and yoga experience, students should expect to transition from the mat (sitting or lying down) to standing two times per class.

Upcoming Classes

Saturday - February 15, 2025 / EST
Supportive Yoga for Larger Bodies
Saturday 2/15/2025
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Circle Yoga Cooperative
Saturday - February 22, 2025 / EST
Supportive Yoga for Larger Bodies
Saturday 2/22/2025
11:00 am - 12:00 pm

Angelique(sub for Michelle B)
Circle Yoga Cooperative
3838 Northampton Street NW, Washington, DC 20015