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As a yoga practitioner and teacher, I specialize in the use of yoga for many issues particularly pelvic floor problems. After suffering from hypertonic pelvic syndrome, I found relief from my symptoms by a careful application of Iyengar-style/influenced yoga and breath work and since then I have continued to refine and develop the application of yoga for the pelvic floor for myself and others. University of San Francisco, CA hired me to design two studies using my methodology. Both studies had overwhelmingly positive results for alleviating incontinence and pelvic pain (70% reduction in symptoms for incontinence and a 42% reduction in pelvic pain). To this end, for the past 20 years, I have taught people of all ages to practice yoga to alleviate pelvic floor conditions through a combination of small group teaching, public workshops, and national and international conferences. I call my approach Pelvic Floor Yoga™. Learn more about Leslie.