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Annie is the founder of Budding Yogis (2003) which became Circle Yoga, and she is the co-founder of DC Community Yoga / DC Yoga Week, Yoga on the National Mall, and the Opening Heart Mindfulness Community. Annie has been active in much of the grassroots community yoga and mindfulness activities in the Washington DC Area. She has been a student of yoga and mindfulness since the 1990's and a teacher since 2001 — and has most recently received the dharma lamp transmission at a ceremony at Plum Village France. She is also a writer and published her second book, Things I Did When I Was Hangry: Navigating a Peaceful Relationship with Food with Parallax Press in 2015. Read Annie's mindfulness blog at Join Annie's email list for tips on how to be present and at ease in your daily life.

Annie holds masters degrees in both Computer Science, from the University of Michigan, and Religious Studies from Howard University. She was ordained by her mindfulness teacher, Thich Nhat Hanh, in 2009 with the ordination name True Blue Lake, and became a licensed massage therapist in 2011.

Annie's first yoga teacher training was with Suzie Hurley at Willow Street Yoga Center in 2004, and Annie was one of the country's first certified Children's Yoga teachers. She is a certified Focusing professional and has studied and practiced Nonviolent Communication (NVC), witchcraft, trauma-informed clinical practice, and many other modalities.

In 2010, Annie created The Pink House Foundation, giving grants to social justice organizing for frontline communities. Annie transformed the Circle Yoga LLC into a worker-owned cooperative in 2014 because she is a strong supporter of cooperative economics and democratic governance. She is especially interested in how to redistribute land, wealth and power.

Annie's Upcoming Classes

Thursday - April 03, 2025 / EST
Learning to Rest, Heal and Care
Thursday 4/3/2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Circle Yoga Cooperative
Thursday - April 17, 2025 / EST
Learning to Rest, Heal and Care
Thursday 4/17/2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Circle Yoga Cooperative
Thursday - May 01, 2025 / EST
Learning to Rest, Heal and Care
Thursday 5/1/2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Circle Yoga Cooperative
Thursday - May 15, 2025 / EST
Learning to Rest, Heal and Care
Thursday 5/15/2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Circle Yoga Cooperative