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Introduction to Ayurveda

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Saturday 06/29/2024 1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
$45.00 Intro to Ayurveda - June 2024

The co-op member fee for this workshop is $40. Not a member? Learn more and join today.

Come and get a taste of Ayurveda! It is the oldest form of holistic medicine in the world and a sister science to yoga. The purpose of Ayurveda is to help us live in alignment with the natural world and maintain optimal health to live a long and healthy life. Ayurveda focuses on the whole person—in body, mind and spirit. In this workshop we will touch on the three pillars of good health, diet, lifestyle and proper rest/stress management, through the eyes of the 5 elements and 3 biological or energy forces (doshas). This will include both lecture and practice to get a taste of how Ayurveda and yoga are connected. For those in person, there will be a sampling of a delicious digestive tea.

This workshop will be offered in studio and online. A recording will be available for playback within 48 hours of the workshop, and registrants will have access to the recording for 30 days.

See refund policies. Refund requests must be received in writing.

Debbie Helfeld

Debbie began practicing yoga in 1997 to help her body feel stronger and more flexible and to learn to calm her mind. As yoga became a deeper and more integral part of her life, she wanted to share its myriad benefits with others. She completed her 200-hour teacher training through Willow Street Yoga in 2005 and the Budding Yogis Certification program for children the following year. Since then, Debbie has been deepening her practice, completing her RYT-500 training in 2014. She continues studying yoga, pranayama and meditation, drawing inspiration from within and from other teachers, especially those at the Himalayan Institute, which is her spiritual home. She is also committed to teaching Ayurveda, the companion health system to yoga, and how to integrate its wisdom and practices into daily life. Debbie is certified as an Ayurvedic Health Counselor through the National Ayurveda Medical Association (NAMA). She is also certified to teach Dr. Loren Fishman's method of Yoga for Osteoporosis. In addition to teaching group classes, Debbie offers private consultations in both yoga and Ayurveda.

What to expect in class
Through her compassionate manner in teaching Debbie hopes to inspire her students and help them explore and experience the joys and benefits of yoga for body, mind and spirit. Debbie's classes have a friendly, comfortable, and light-hearted feel. She focuses on helping students build core stability and strength, improve balance, and find more ease in their bodies. Debbie is particularly skilled in working with students who have limitations, conditions, or just creaky bodies that require a little extra attention. She offers props and variations to ensure that each student can maintain stability, good alignment, and safety. Debbie also emphasizes the importance of breath awareness and breathing practices (pranayama) that guide students to a state of inner calm and mindfulness.