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Monday 04/28/2025 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm
$35.00 New Moon Circle - April 2025
The co-op member fee for this workshop is $30. Not a member? Learn more and join today.
You're invited to take an intentional pause and gather in community to be present with your life. We gather at this time to harness the intention setting energy of the new moon and gain greater clarity about the path ahead. We'll begin our circle with an oracle card pull and reflection, followed by a guided meditation and sound bath. You will be supported by the structure of the circle to connect with your own inner wisdom, and we'll close our circle by sharing insights and an intention setting ritual to carry us forward into the next moon cycle. Please bring your journal and writing and/or art supplies.
Circle size is currently limited to 10 participants.
Sharing is at your own comfort level and is optional.
The day of the week we meet in future months may shift to keep as close to the actual new moon as possible.
This circle is part of an international network of circles via The Wild Woman Project.
See refund policies.
Eloise Russo
Eloise began practicing yoga in the early 2000s as a way to soften and unwind while training for a marathon. As yoga became a more integral part of her life, and marathon running faded into the background, she wanted to deepen her practice and joined Circle Yoga's teacher training in 2017. Eloise later completed restorative yoga teacher training with Jillian Pransky at Kripalu, meditation teacher training with Tracee Stanley, yoga for active aging through YogaWorks, and a 600-hour Ayurveda health counselor training through Shakti School focused on holistic health and healing. Eloise is drawn to the more restorative and yin aspects of yoga and teaches the practices that have been most supportive and healing for her. Eloise serves as the Director of Finance at Circle Yoga, and is also a positive psychology coach.